At this time, many of us in the Western world are coming out of our Covid cocoons, and are beginning to resume the communal activities of socializing with friends and relatives, sharing meals, and walking and talking without masks, given the recent CDC recommendations. Although here in the U.S., we’re experiencing a flattening of the COVID curve, as restrictions are being lifted, the psychological effects of lockdowns, loneliness, boredom, illness, job loss, and the grief that comes with these losses, lingers. The pandemic hasn’t ended, and neither has the pervasive feeling of uncertainty about the COVID variants that could possibly evade the vaccine’s protective barrier. Although more people are returning to work and schools, and businesses are reopening, many are still feeling the effects of the pandemic and are unsure about how to re-enter their new “abnormal” life.
Indra’s net
One of the well-known metaphors that Buddhism use s to portray the interconnectedness of all life is the image of the god Indra and his mythological net of jewels. Indra’s net symbolizes the universe as a web of interdependent connections among all of its members, stretching out infinitely in all directions. Each jewel both reflects and is reflected by all the others, illustrating the principle that whatever affects one jewel, affects them all. |