Mindful Aging Seminar
Whether we’re in our 40s or 60s, aging in a youth-obsessed culture often provokes fears of loss, unwelcomed changes to our body and our health, diminished vitality, feelings of unlovability and social invisibility. We might think that our “best days” have gone by already.
The agenda of the first half of life is largely about creating a niche for ourselves in the world, while the second half of life addresses the larger issue of what holds enduring meaning and value. We're challenged to enlarge our idea of ourselves by exploring new territory, our yet unlived life, and by deepening our relationships with significant people. But in so doing, we may find ourselves floating in unchartered waters, not yet ready to imagine the being who we’re in the process of becoming. We don’t have rites of initiation in our Western culture to honor the stages of human development, each of which has its own set of challenges and tasks, as well as new capacities and new expressions of wisdom. In order to evolve rather than just get older, this group will support the process of re-visioning our ideas and images of aging. We will inquire what needs reconciliation, forgiveness and healing, and what within us needs to be cherished and cultivated. Aspects of ourselves that we’ve neglected or denied, hold the key to an expanded sense of self. During the second half of life we might ask ourselves, ''What new life is trying to manifest through me?” |